Becoming a Ewing sarcoma Research Sponsor is an excellent way to put 100% of your money into the life saving research you care about.

Donate or Sponsor monthly

Meet Kenny

Based at the Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Kenny Rankin is one of our many Ewing sarcoma researchers that your sponsorship will support. Kenny is an Honorary Consultant in Orthopaedic Oncology with special interests in the basic science of musculoskeletal oncology.

Why become a monthly Ewing sarcoma Research Sponsor?

From just £5 a month, you will provide our Ewing sarcoma researchers with consistent funding to fuel their work, providing them with vital equipment, materials and essential laboratory time. Your monthly support will ensure we can commit to longer term Ewing sarcoma research projects and see potential new treatments through to clinical trial. We will send you regular progress reports and promise to keep you up to date on all our latest exciting developments. We’ll even invite you to lab open days so you can see how your sponsorship is helping and you’ll get to meet our researchers.

By becoming a Ewing sarcoma Research Sponsor, 100% of your sponsorship will go to our Ewing sarcoma research and will be used on the Ewing sarcoma projects where the need is greatest.

Donate or sponsor monthly