Ever wanted to take on the challenge of a lifetime whilst raising money to help fight bone cancer? Experience the thrill of jumping from 10,000 feet by taking part in a sponsored tandem skydive for the Bone Cancer Research Trust!

Sign up for a skydive at an airfield of your choice. No experience is required to jump, you'll receive all the training you need on the day. Our skydives are organised through a company called Skyline, and more information can be found in Skyline's brochure here.

2025 BCRT Skydive Dates:

Saturday 13th September - Nottingham

Saturday 20th September - Lancaster

Sunday 28th September - Brackley

Secure a charity jump...

We would love you to join #TeamBones! We ask that you pledge to raise the minimum fundraising target displayed on this page and in return we'll provide all the support you need to make your challenge a huge success. To secure one of our guaranteed charity places simply click the ‘Book Place’ button and complete an online application form.

Why join #TeamBones...

As part of #TeamBones you will receive all of this…

  • A free fundraising pack.
  • A #TeamBones t-shirt.
  • Iron-on letters to personalise your top.
  • A dedicated contact to support you with your challenge.

Most importantly we will provide you with an incredible reason to put in those months of training and fundraising, because you know that your efforts are going towards saving lives and improving outcomes for people affected by primary bone cancer.

How much do I have to raise?

Pay a registration fee of £70, raise £395 in sponsorship money and you'll jump in tandem for free! In return we receive an average donation of around £140 - but hopefully more! Every extra pound that you raise over the minimum comes straight to the charity, so try raise as much money as you possibly can.

Where and when can I skydive?

Pick a date and location that works for you. You can find a list of all 18 Skyline airfields here. For further information about their skydives and parachute jumps, take a look at Skyline's FAQs.

If you have any questions please email us at fundraising@bcrt.org.uk.

Can't find the event you're looking for? Take a look at our Challenge Events Near You, we can guarantee we have races near you!