How do I register?

Sign up on Tiltify, this will give you the best experience for streaming and fundraising. But you can also sign up on JustGiving to take part in Stream for BCRT.

  • Visit Tiltify -
  • Join our Stream for BCRT event.
  • Click 'Start Fundraising'
  • Log in or create an account with Tiltify
  • Follow the set-up steps. Join our event (you can even set up your own event or own campaign here) Your event target will automatically be set, but if you are going it alone you can set up your own target.
  • Publish your page and share your link with friends and family.
  • Next link your streaming platform with Tiltify here is a useful guide.

How old do I need to be to take part in Stream for BCRT?

This fundraising product is only open to participants aged 16 and over. If you are under 16 and would like to take part please email with parental consent or with any questions.

What do I need to do?

Set up a stream and invite your community to watch, share and donate. We think a 24 hour marathon is the ultimate challenge but you can choose your own and how and when you complete it. You could do a little bit each day during a month or complete your challenge in one go. Please ensure you stay hydrated, eat regularly and take toilet breaks.

What can I stream?

Anything and everything within reason. Remember when fundraising for BCRT you are representing the charity online. Please take additional care when choosing the type of content, you will share as well as the tone and behaviour. Would you be willing to share this in front of a cool aunt or uncle? If yes, it’s ok for a stream. Any questions please contact

  • Gaming - take on a speedrun event, play your favourite game with fun challenges such as only using one type of weapon or take part in the from rags to riches challenge on Sims 4, challenge your friends to five rounds of Fortnite, take on The Last of Us Part 2 remastered: Walkthrough or complete a nuzlocke using only orange or blue Pokemon?
  • Complete a craft marathon – could you complete a knitting pattern over a weekend? Or complete a tricky lego kit within a tight time frame.
  • Cook a-long stream, could you cook a three-course meal in real time with donors donating to your poll to decide the next course or additional ingredients?
  • Stream a board games tournament, are you a Scrabble queen or Monopoly king, let’s see how it’s done!
  • Can you host a traditional tele-thon as a stream? Grab some friends to perform funny tasks, play instruments or take on a sporting challenge while you stream it live!

Ensure your stream adheres to your chosen platforms’ guidelines. If you don’t follow the terms of service, you could be banned.

How can I use Tiltify’s features?

  • Set up rewards for your community and make it fun! For anyone who donates you could add a sticker to your face, change hats, draw a picture of them or name a character after them?
  • Milestones are little goals to hit during your stream these could be linked to our fundraising amounts you could do something fun to celebrate – disco lights, change outfit, change activity. The more creative the better!
  • Start a poll to settle a debate, What’s better Call of Duty or Fortnight? What games to play next or what to call your next character?

Tiltify have a big catalogue of FAQ’s and guides to get you started. Support : Tiltify

How do people find me?

  • Personalise your fundraising page to include, why you have chosen to fundraise for the Bone Cancer Research Trust and add a photo so donors know it’s you!
  • Share your fundraising link far and wide. A message to friends and family with a link to your page, share it on your socials and include a clickable link. Why not ask your employer if they do matched funding? Email if you need help with any of these steps.
  • Make sure you say thank you to your donors. A simple shoutout is enough to make your donors feel appreciated.
  • Get your team assembled! Grab some friends and see if you can work together or see who can fundraise the most.

It’s time to stream what do I do?

  • Customise your display! We have lots of BCRT branded items in our toolkit from overlays, starting soon and taking a break screens, make the most of them.
  • Set up your sounds and alerts for every donation make sure viewers can see your latest total and milestones.
  • If using Twitch use tag your stream ‘Stream4BCRT’ and ‘charity’ so other streamers can find you easily.
  • Ensure the fundraising link is easy to find, you could use a bot and command in chat so you can continue the stream without breaking your flow. Setting up things on timers is a great way to get information to repeat regularly.

How can I stay safe while streaming?

  • Take regular breaks, stand up and move around regularly.
  • Stay hydrated with water and nutritious foods. Try and avoid energy drinks, too much sugar and make sure you take toilet breaks. If you feel unwell at any point, stop playing.
  • Be aware of who you are sharing personal data with online.
  • If you don’t feel comfortable sharing why you are fundraising for BCRT you can share “I really admire the work BCRT do and believe in helping families affected by bone cancer.”
  • Never share your bank details in public forums.
  • If on camera, ensure your background doesn’t share your location or identifying information.
  • Mark your stream age appropriately on your chosen streaming platform to protect younger and vulnerable people and follow your streaming platforms guidelines.
  • Set up ‘house rules’ for your community to follow some ideas could be: Be kind / Respect Others / Include everyone / Listen to moderators / No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or hate-based chat, no joking about mental health or suicide
  • If you are concerned about someone in your chat you can encourage them to reach out to get support from charities such as Samaritans. A message like this can help “I’m sorry to hear that things have been difficult. If you’re in the UK or Ireland then you can call Samaritans free, day or night, on 116 123 or email If you’re in another country you can visit to find a similar service in your country.”
  • In Twitch you can choose to ban particular words and phrases from the chat. This is also an effective way to protect your personal information. E.g. If you don’t want your Chat to know your legal name you can ban it being used in Chat.
  • Trolls may crop up during your charity stream, read more about how to prepare for this from Twitch.

I have a question who can I contact?

Please email we are online 9-5pm, Monday to Friday and will reply as soon as possible.

If you are live and feel uncomfortable in a situation or begin to feel unwell, stop the stream immediately.

If you are affected by anything on your stream or in chat and need emotional support please reach out to Samaritans.