There are lots of ways that you can learn about the Bone Cancer Research Trust and support us too.
Primary schools
- Tell your school about us! Have a look here so you can tell your teachers and friends all about the Bone Cancer Research Trust and what we do.
- Nominate us as your Charity of the Year.
- Ask your Head teacher to hold a family fun run in the school grounds. You can walk it, run it, or even whizz round on your scooter.
- Hold a dress orange day/non uniform day.
- Fundraise for us at your school summer fete.
- Hold a lunchtime sponsored silence (always a popular choice with the teachers...)
- Fill a jar with sweeties and ask for a donation to guess the amount. The nearest to the true amount wins the jar.
- Hold a Teddy Bears' picnic with all your class (and their furry friends).
- Hold a class Bake Off. Request one of our Bake It For Bone Cancer packs.
Secondary schools
- Hold a dress orange day/non uniform day.
- Hold a '(school name)'s Got Talent' competition in your school hall.
- Organise a sponsored walk/jog/run.
- Bag pack at your local supermarket.
- Hold an 'X-Factor' evening in your school hall.
- Hold a sponsored fashion show, maybe ask the students to design their own pieces to showcase.
- Hold a summertime It's a Knockout on the school field.
- Hold a guess the baby competition (which teacher did that lovable 2 year old grow up to be?)