Whatever you want to do... we can help!

Some of the best fundraising events are those created and organised by our amazing supporters. Whether it's a Run, Cycle, Bake or Boogie- Whatever you're thinking of doing, we will help you every step of the way!

Top tips for organising your own event

Start with the basics

  • Have a think about what type of event you would like to organise. There are many tried and tested types of events, choose one that is right for you or one that you have a personal interest in.
  • Pick a date. Give yourself plenty of time to organise your event and always build in some contingency time. Think about a date when your friends and family will be available so that attendance at your event is the highest it can possibly be.
  • Register your event with us. Let us know a bit about what you have planned and we'll send you a digital fundraising pack to help get you started!
  • Choose a venue (try and get it for free) Have a think about these things when choosing your venue
    • Is it big enough?
    • Is it accessible for everyone? Is there parking? Local transport links?
    • Does it have all the amenities you need?
    • Does it have necessary licences? Are you wanting to sell alcohol or play live music?
  • Set your budget. Events can be organised free of charge but sometimes an event will incur costs and it's important to think about these right at the beginning of your planning. If your event will incur costs, draw up a rough budget to work from - it's important to keep working from your budget and revising it right up to your event date. When setting your budget think about the following:
    • Are there venue costs? When do they need to be paid?
    • Are there any promotion, entertainment or equipment costs?
    • What will you raise from ticket sales or sponsorship?
    • Can you secure donated raffle prizes and man your event with volunteers?

Promotion, Promotion, Promotion!

Once you have planned your event, be creative and give your event a name that makes it stand out from the crowd! Here's our top tips for promotion:

  • On all your promotions, remember to include - what, where and when your event is!
  • Share your event on social media and ask your friends & family to do the same - Facebook is an excellent tool for creating a public or private event page - in one place you can invite people, see who is attending, share updates and create a community just for your event
  • Display promotional posters wherever you can
  • Spread the word at work, school and local social clubs
  • Contact local newspapers or radio stations and ask them to promote or even attend your event. For further help with contacting media outlets, please contact us.

Pay in the money you have raised and put it to immediate use!

The sooner the funds raised from your event are returned to us, the sooner we can put it to use in our fight against primary bone cancer.

Online - click here to pay in the money that you have raised online.

By phone - Give us a ring on 0113 258 5934 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm)

By Post - Send your sponsorship forms, Gift Aid forms or cheques along with a covering letter stating your details and the reason for your donation to the below address:

Bone Cancer Research Trust
10 Feast Field
LS18 4TJ

By bank transfer - if you would like to transfer the funds raised directly to our bank, please contact us so we can give you our bank details and provide you with a reference number to put on the bank transfer.