Our son Peter died in April 1999 aged 21 after three years of living with osteosarcoma. Peter was a lively outgoing young person who enjoyed sport and music and spending time with his family and friends.

His symptoms first appeared just after he had taken his A levels, so he was unable initially to accept his place at Nottingham University to read Biochemistry.

After intensive chemotherapy and the amputation of his left leg in 1996-7 he recovered sufficiently to travel to Australia with his Granny and thoroughly enjoyed scuba-diving and visiting many natural sites.

During his illness he raised £3,500 for cancer charities from a head shave.

He had a younger sister Ruth and a younger brother Tim and four cousins.

When my Mother Muriel Bryant died in 2013 it was her wish in her will that all her grandchildren should receive an equal financial bequest.

My Mother decided that Peter’s share should go to the Bone Cancer Research Trust, so we went to the headquarters in Horsforth after her death in 2013 to present a cheque.

We were aware as a family of the great work of the Bone Cancer Research Trust in funding vital research and helping patients and families.

When my husband Mike and I drew up our Wills it was a priority to leave a significant amount to the Bone Cancer Research Trust.

We are both so grateful that such a wonderful charity exists now which will help to improve life expectancy for patients and has created a highly supportive network across the UK.

The Bone Cancer Research Trust is deeply grateful to Pauline, Mike and the late Muriel Bryant for their incredible generosity.

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