The Bone Cancer Research Trust will be holding our first ever parliamentary reception on Wednesday 1st February between 15:00 and 17:00.
All MPs have been sent an invitation to come along to our session in order to find out about our new campaign, 'The Biggest Fight Against Bone Cancer', and, of course, our vital work and the primary bone cancer landscape. This is a key opportunity for us to engage with and educate key decision makers on the primary bone cancer landscape and the challenges we are currently facing.
Currently a number of MPs have confirmed they will be attending; however, we need your help to increase MP attendance!
Please click here to get the email contact details for your local MP, and urge them to attend the Bone Cancer Research Trust Parliamentary Reception on Wednesday 1st February 2017.
Time: Anytime between 15:00 and 17:00 Venue: Room A, 1 Parliament Street
Your local MP may be unaware that their constituents have been affected by primary bone cancer, which continues to be an under-profiled and under-funded disease. We need all MPs to recognise the importance of our campaign and how crucial it is to primary bone cancer patients.
Thank you for your support. Together we will raise £1.1 million in 2017, and one day find a cure for primary bone cancer.