We're so pleased to announce that our website information resources covering all forms of primary bone cancer and our guide to clinical trials has been 'Highly Commended' by the British Medical Association Patient Information Awards 2017.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all members of our Voluntary Information Advisory Panel for helping us make our information the best that it can be!

Amongst some tough competition we are very pleased to have been awarded this award, which really demonstrates the high quality and reliability of the information we provide on our website.

Further to the award we were pleased to receive a great comment from those judging our information, which reads:

A big thumbs up! Patients and their families told the Bone Cancer Research Trust that they often felt poorly informed due to a lack of information on this rarer cancer type: this information need is met with a very comprehensive website section, including patient stories.

The information is high quality and a solid example of online health information. We don't request information on budgets, but given that bone cancers make up only 0.2% of all cancers, I am particularly impressed with the quality and amount of information that is produced: it is very challenging for organisations supporting less common conditions to pack as high a punch as the large, leading, charities."