Our first Chondrosarcoma Symposium was attended by leading clinicians and researchers from across the UK. The purpose of this meeting was to bring together the community to review the progress in chondrosarcoma clinical trials and to agree a strategy for future research.

The meeting took place on the 25th November 2019 and was led by our Head of Research, Information and Support, Dr Zoe Davison and our Research Manager Dr Victoria Vinader. Below Dr Davison and Dr Vinader explain more about why we held the symposium and future plans.

Why was it important to hold the symposium?

The NCRI (National Cancer Research Institute) Sarcoma Research Group has identified chondrosarcoma as a priority, due to the current lack of clinical trials and biological studies; therefore, the Bone Cancer Research Trust facilitated a meeting to discuss progress to date and generate ideas for future research and clinical studies.

What were the main focus points?

Key clinicians and researchers in the chondrosarcoma field reported recent findings from several studies and trials that can inform and determine the direction of future research.

There is a clear desire among the chondrosarcoma experts to develop a collaborative national clinical study. The informal workshop format of this meeting encouraged the exchange of ideas and facilitated a discussion on how, by working together, we can move towards achieving this goal.

What’s next?

The meeting outlined a long-term plan for chondrosarcoma research, but also identified some interesting research topics that have promising preliminary data and can already be submitted for funding.

Delegates agreed to meet again to continue developing this research strategy in order to improve treatment options for chondrosarcoma patients.

What is the Bone Cancer Research Trust's commitment to research into chondrosarcoma?

We are committed to supporting chondrosarcoma research and already fund one of the key projects that were discussed during this meeting. Our sample collection-infrastructure grants have made this particular project possible and the successful results will be reported in the near future, once the full data is available.

We are unique in that we can respond quickly to areas of urgent priority in the field of primary bone cancer research. Our Grant Programme is designed in such a way that we can direct funding to these areas quickly and effectively to support research and invaluable meetings such as the chondrosarcoma workshop.

We thank Brewin Dolphin for donating the space that allowed this inspirational meeting to take place.