He would suffer with frequent pain, which was significantly worse at night and at times felt like he had a fever.
Jack's life has altered completely since he was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma in 2017. He started high school in September and did all of a couple of days. He has constant hospital admissions and appointments. Jack is currently having treatment and has completed his preoperative chemo, which made him very poorly. In March, he underwent limb sparing surgery at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham and had his arm bone removed. Following the surgery, he is now currently having further chemo.
Jack’s chemotherapy has made him very ill. He has ended up back in hospital due to infections and neutropenia (Low levels of white blood cells). The limb sparing surgery was a big challenge for Jack as well as the rehabilitation he is currently going through.
Jack has received amazing support from people around him, even strangers, their kindness goes a long way.
I worried about how he would cope with the treatment as even to get blood was an ordeal. Now, he just takes it in his stride, he is so brave and courageous. It is still early days for Jack and he is still battling so his life is changing every day.
When days are dark and incredibly tough Jack gets through it, his strength and determination is amazing! Even when things are incredibly tough he keeps going.
Sometimes it feels like it is ten steps back, but then a little bit of good news comes your way and this keeps you going!
Awareness is so important! Jack had pain in his arm for nearly ten months. He had numerous visits to the GP and Hospital. He had symptoms yet no one picked up on them. My sister, his mum never gave up and kept going….She trusted her instinct and knew something was wrong.
If his cancer had been diagnosed earlier he would have been out of the end of this battle now - instead of still tackling it!
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